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Friday, August 18, 2006

Female Libido

Debunk your belief that females are inherently gentle and passive. They can be ruthless when it comes to deciding who will father their young. Males are used and discarded, seen as just a step in a breeding experiment to find the best male specimen. Males are forced into raging battles, extreme physical marathons and bone breaking sexual Olympics. He may be seeking either pleasure or progeny, but neither is guaranteed. Females are natures force to be reckoned with. The female Praying Mantis can and does eat her partner’s head. Male spiders offer there selves to be turned into molecules of nutrients for a hardcore sex. That doesn’t stop the male. His urges take over and he continues to service her, hoping for the slimmest chance to continue his family line and moment of satisfactory pleasure. Females command the males of the animal world to obey their every whim. They push the males’ limits and comfort zones to extremes, sometimes with disastrous consequences. For the male, at least.

Libido drives animals to do the most amazing of things; singing, dancing, and fighting are among the many ways animals try to seal the deal, and get lucky. Libido uncovers the bizarre world of the sex drive, and discovers exactly what is driving the most primal urges on the planet. Colossal desire, genetic continuation, and orgasm the motivating factors that drive animals to great lengths in pursuit of sex. The next time you think who are the sexual predators and who are the prey, think again. In the animal world males are being raped of there pride and dignity.

Well this if for the animals. Don’t know what humans will say.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Stampede a question of who to blame.

After reading the headline “17 liable for stampede”, just can’t stop laughing and at the same time feel the crushing weight of disgust. Stupid Filipino Masses are crying for blood, and moronic officials are planning timidly on where to point their fingers.

The culture of materialism, slothfulness and diffidence, the mentality of colonialism, crabism and cronyism, the habit of manana, hopefulness, and faithfulness. This are the cause of there own death, there should be more casualties, I wonder why so few. Filipinos leave there daily works (if ever they know how to work) in faithful hope that that they will win the 1M grand price. For them to buy this buy that, maybe a wide screen TV to watch the show that kill them and spend their daily doggy afternoon or a 3G phone to show off with out considering the bills later. Be a temporary inhabitant (a lot of them a professional squatters) outside of the stadium for days (urinating and defecating in place like pigs waiting to be slaughter) in order to be the first and when somebody got upfront before them its easy to pull others behind by pushing.

I say let them die, and now let the dead morn the dead. If government efforts resources and time is wasted on this, certainly more Filipinos will die in the near future. Its not a question of who to blame, it is an answer of what to do. Did we learn? Do we ever learn? 20 years after EDSA, 20 fuckn years, just think of it 20 fuckn wasted years. What did we do after EDSA we put a widow who is better a nun than a secretary of the mayor. We breath and saw hope with the WestPoint general, but we just completely dissolve the assets made in an instant, by electing an actor who cant even be considered an artist. And next we will put another actor who can’t walk straight, thanks Gloria cheated.

Yes this blaming game in the Philippines is like a war between the two sexes its a never-ending battle, probably because the officials and party members are all gay genders (never can be of any sex), and yes we can blame the government for what is happening to us. However when will be the time to blame ourselves. I truly believe in Sen. Leticia Ramos-Shahani when she said, there is no future for the Filipino people unless we address the flaws in our culture, mentality and habit.

Kay man si Pedro Gago kag Juan Tamad asta subung buhi pa, ang lain pa gid kay bulag, apa, kag bungol na. (It is because Retarded Peter and Lazy John of 1580 is still alive upto the present, worst is they become deaf, blind and dumb.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Let It Go

An email from a friend RHAKEE

There are people who can walk away from you.

And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19] People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.

Let them go.

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead.

You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.

Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life,
then you need to......
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ......
If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth.....
If someone has angered you ........
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction......
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents
If you! u have a bad attitude.......
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him....
If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves......
If you're feeling depressed and stressed .........
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to......
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things. GOD is doing a new thing NOW !!!
Get Right or Get Left .. think about it, and then .
"The Battle is the Lord's!"
During the next 60 seconds, Stop whatever you are doing, and take this opportunity. (opportunity to let go)

Most of the time we see and we hear but choose to be deaf and blind. Thats why shouted words from a friend are often needed to bring us back to reality.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

why not celebrate dec.25

Jesus was not born on December 25, 2BC, when the Magi (three wisemen/king) presented their gifts.
When the Magi arrived, Joseph and Mary were no longer with Christ in a stable, but in a house (Mt.2:11).
Jesus was born in a stable in the early evening hours (just as the Jewish calendar advanced to 1 Tishri) of September 11, 3BC.
Jesus had been circumcised (Lk.2:21) and dedicated at the Temple some 40 days after His birth (Lk.2:22-24).
Soon after the Magi left, Herod killed the male children in and around Bethlehem who were two years of age or younger (Mt.2:16).

for non christians and self claimed christians you can search more of the above facts on the internet

all children under the age of two were slain shows that Herod was taking every possible interpretation into account for the time of Christ's birth, since it was not clear in astrological interpretation whether the appearance of "His star" signified the conception or birth of the baby. These evidences show that Jesus was some months old when the Magi arrived.

it was true that the magi followed the stars (constellations-note not a star) for direction to Bethlehem. due to the observation of clusters of astronomical phenomenal events happening in 3BC/2BC Jupiter is expected to be closer to earth and will stand still for several hours in 68 latitude right above Bethlehem.. Then on December 25, 2BC, when the planet Jupiter came to its stationary point in mid-Virgo and was in meridian over Bethlehem, the Magi arrived in Bethlehem bearing gifts meant for a king. the romans was very diligent in recording the activities of the empire and astronomical records of 3BC/2BC is proven and accepted by modern astronomers to had happened. when we put the puzzle into pieces base on roman, astronomical and biblical records Christ was born sept. 11 3BC. however you have to explain that to the pope. me ill just sit around and try to experience how lonely i could be.

home alone

while non Christian Taiwanese prepare hundreds of activities for this cold Christmas season im stock in my humble storage shelter, without regards to the hassle and bustle of the outside world. for the first time in my life I consciously had something to consider my first time, dec. 25 will come, and I will be waiting for it alone. I can not imagine how I could decide to stay foot in place that had given me loneliness and sorrows. probably because every year of my life here had to take a 180 degree turn into a different direction. to the unknown territory and uncharted living in which i am searching, of what i dont know. this place did not even provide ample amount of dime to support my inexpensive living here.

now as I do nothing I will have plenty of pondering time steering upward my now known radical provocative thinking. probably I will die thinking doing nothing. this is something that I never thought of. is this a sad story or a protest of my present life. I don’t think so. its just, as always, an expression of thoughts and feelings at this exact moment.

a xmas alone could be a blessing in disguise. as I drift away form religion and embrace spirituality. this could be start of not celebrating Christmas. anyway its just the Georgian calendar who declare the birth of Christ is December 25 where in it was made in favor of religion and custom. now they still cant accept other method of timing, even though they are having hard time chasing the exact time. maybe I will celebrate xmas using the solar time calendar, oh no the atomic time calendar, ah I rather check the decimal time calendar, wait let me think better the new digital standard calendar, can I suggest computer time, I will based it on the international fixed calendar, the astronomical calendar, ISO 8601, symmetry 454. aaaah what the hell I already have the chance not to celebrate why worry at all.

may your Christmas celebration be merry.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

master of hypocrisy

the Philippine, where the roman catholic institution had the hypocrisy that will put the sadducees and pharisees of christ time into shame (as the roman catholic said they are hypocrite). this two faced conqueror who colonize the country for nearly 500years(16more years) with the cross as their sword, had done nothing to improved the life of a native.

what the hell are they doing in this country? the morality you speak had never penetrated the Filipino heart and was never practice, don’t you wonder why? it is because you are nothing but an hypocrite, a blasphemer, a manipulator, an opportunist, a wolf clad in sheep wool.

there are hundreds and thousand of issues that you clearly display the double standard of your two faced body that rides the beast. you despise paganism while you practice it. you preach of giving to ceasar what belong to ceasar and give to your god what belongs to your god, but you are accumulating and dominant the wealth and power of ceasar.

and in the issue of the government problem in population explosion, can you just take of your dirty hand fill with spermatozoa away from it and let ceasar do his job for your god sake. you don’t support contraceptives because it advertise sex, the hell with you I saw you fuck you brothers sister you make slaves of this countries virgins. you are a promoter of celibacy. tell that to the good parents, loyal husband and faithful wife, who sleep together every night. if you want to wear chastity belt do it but don’t induce it to others.

in my dreams I was a leader of this country and I required every church, fast-food chain and cinema theater to provide condom vending machine as a pre-requisite for their permit. this for a simple reason. lovers in the philippines had a common pattern of dating. in the morning they will go to church, at noon they will have lunch in a fastfood chain (i miss the taste of Jollibee burger), it will be followed by a small walk to the cinema and after that what happen next is lighting strike, waalahh we forget our condom, nevertheless lets go on with it. and then come the population explosion. the hypocrites will have the government to blame. so for me it’s a no no, you soul eaters are to blame. if you can let your followers follow your morality so do it. values and morality is your self induced responsibility anyway.

maybe come a time that your religion will be an official political party then your hypocritical beastly attitude might stop. as of now just fuck off.

all you need is condom

abortion is advocated by people who themselves was born. for once in my contemporary life I be in agreement with the attitude of the roman catholic towards abortion. it is a first degree murder. and the sentence is everlasting condemnation and excommunication without parole.

it is a very simple fact of science that life begins at conception. let say it is just a zaygote and you want to argue on this fact, ok you fucking murderer lets argue. you smoldering shit from hell listen carefully.

those wide pussy hush-hush bitches only realize that they are carrying a mammoth responsibility with in them by a month(the least) after conception. so it is not just a zaygote it is already a fetus in human form with beating heart and a working brain. by eight weeks, that’s two months, the fetus is already fully formed and will develop until birth. and the worst common practice is the abortion of 15weeks old fetus. it is already a child with in. the murderers will scrap, chop-chop and then vacuum the precious. try to scrap your hands put it in a meat grinder and vacuum it, you low class monster. what the fuck, is there any point of argument at all!!!??? I make a fool out of myself explaining to this sub-moronic beast. there is no argumentative facts for you, flesh eater. but I know you got a lot of excuses and inhumane reasoning’s. here are your fuckn mind blowing defense, and out of this only the last three reasons with lesser number of induced abortion are considerable, the rest are your bullshits:

25.5% – Want to postpone childbearing
21.3% – Cannot afford a baby
14.1% – Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy
12.2% – Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy
10.8% – Having a child will disrupt education or job
7.9% – Want no (more) children
3.3% – Risk to fetal health
2.8% – Risk to mother's health
2.1% – Rape, incest, other

your first six reasons are just so naïve and pathetic. if you are a woman(?) who would like to spread your legs wide open and get fucked or you are a man(?) who enjoy pounding pussies. then you should know your responsibilities and the consequences of your action. but because you are a “fuckn shithead sub-moronic assfaced pathetic monster” you just prefer to be a “fuckn arrogant blind and deaf ignorant fool” yes that’s what you are and you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. you don’t deserve the presence of humanity.

the above percentage of cold blooded killers is a collective record of countries who legalize killing. but how about other countries, your god only knows how many children are being killed in an hourly rate.

Friday, December 16, 2005

santa clause

bellyMan in paper and pencil by Rekardu

do you wonder why santa had a big belly?

it is because just like other mascots big bellies are symbol of richness and a comic approach to reality. that even you are a malnourished individual you deserve to buy gifts and fulfill your forced obligation of letting the rich richer.

christmas season is here and what other mascot most appropriate for the occasion than santa clause. the true meaning of santa is long forgotten. not even the image of the child in the manger is remembered.

christmas is the biggest commercials season. the essence of celebrating christmas is eclipsed by good business. there is never a bad business during christmas. imagine a chinese family who don’t even know santa would by a santa item with brand in american name that is made in china…hahaha…you make and then you buy it.

well there is a never ending story on this. but most of you who read my blog are smart enough to continue and elaborate on this. so as we are one in spirit on this joyous occasion, I will end this by reminding ourselves the simplicity of Christmas meaning.

it is giving our life as the baby born child, on this time of the year, had thought us.

may we give-receive, love-joy-peace, the true gift this xmas.

this xmas fever gives me weeks of sleepless nights. ill never again in my life have such a lonely xmas.


im in confusion
you’ve brought me peace
im in deep slumber
you’ve open me too see
I forgotten myself
you enlightened my soul

im doing nothing
you’ve squeeze out my abilities
my mind is stagnating
you challenge my intellect
my works is deteriorating
you question my capabilities

you teach me how to open up my lungs
I opened up my hearth
you teach me how to be in the flow
I was directed to you
you teach me what is wellbeing
I enthusiastically live

you had appeared like a firefly
in this dry bush of loneliness
you are the awaited spark
of this mighty furnace
you ignited the bush fire
and burn this grief into ashes

you left me standing on my feet
even now that you are apart
you leave an eternal gift
the knowledge of heart and mind
you promise not to make promises
in this life of memories.

you are perpetually the siddha
of this humble yogi

Thursday, December 08, 2005

the american empire

a deadly disease unknowingly creeping with in. in a surprise we consciously realize and discover that such disease is growing malignantly. we try to cure and get rid of it, however as we do so we are destroying the very us. for those who cant afford such a cure will agonizingly wait for the end.

as any other empire in history, the conquistadors bring promises in trade of wealth and richness. the host resources is sucked to the bone by the parasitic colonials. the unguarding civilization is devastated by the locust disguised in a form of a mariposa.

just as rome promise democracy to give supreme power to the nobles. as spain promise salvation with there religion while they salvage every recourses. as mongul promise unity and peace in midst of massacre. the American empire is the most cunning of them all it does not promise anything but it induces. it induces the meaning of the word freedom.

freedom to obey there trade laws. freedom to listen to there dictations. freedom to bow on there presence. freedom to accept there policies. freedom to fear there name.
this freedom is to embrace the american culture, that if you can consider it a culture at all, because culture is the way of living, americans don’t live at all they just merely exist.

America is the perfect definition of a capitalist democratically commercialize country. a place where having the capital means being god. where in everybody wants to be god, in order to be so, bodies should be made as stairways. then humanity is lost.

and whats more chilling is that americans want to be blind and deaf to the fact that this does not work in this diverse world. sooner or later Americans will be put down on there knees and they will eat the ground. however by doing so the world will be once again at the brink of total annihilation. haven’t we learn, when will we learn, will we ever learn.

to be continued